Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Saving a Species: Southern Resident Killer Whales

Species: Southern Resident Killer Whales
Scientific Name: Orcinus Orca
Length: Up to 32 feet
Weight: Up to 22,000 pounds
Status: Endangered (77 wild left, 78 including Lolita)
Location: Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de Fuca & Strait of Georgia

Photo: NOAA

About the Southern Resident Killer Whales

The story of the Southern Resident Killer Whales (SRKW) is a rather complicated one. Unlike some other endangered species that has one significant threat, like fishing nets with the Vaquita, the SRKW has faced a plethora of challenges over the past one hundred years. In the early days of commercial fishing, the orcas were hunted because the fishermen saw the whales as a threat to their means of economic sustenance: salmon. Ironically, one of the major threats to the survival of the SRKW is not their hunting of salmon, but humanity's. It was not until the 1970s that scientists had anything close to an accurate estimate of their population, however there were once though to be upwards of 200 members of the SRKW. Today, that number is just 77 individuals (78, including Lolita, who has lived at Miami Seaquarium since 1970). In 2015, NOAA included Lolita in the endangered species list, since she was wild-caught and a member of one of the three pods that comprise the SRKW: J pod, K pod and L pod. 

Monday, July 24, 2017

In Loving Memory of Kyara

On April 19th, 2017 at 2:33PM local time, Takara gave birth to the last "Baby Shamu" in SeaWorld history. I remember seeing the video of the calf coming to the surface for the first time, and having my breath completely taken away. I've seen plenty of videos of killer whale calves being born, but something about this birth just astonished me. It seemed to me, at least, that I'd never seen a calf take off and take their first breath as quickly as Kyara did in just the first few moments of her life.

Photo Credit: SeaWorld

Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Inside The Tanks" Review

At first glance, Inside The Tanks is an investigative documentary that seeks to give both sides of the cetacean captivity debate the opportunity to present their case. I give Jonny Meah, the film's producer a lot of credit for making a legitimate attempt to present both sides of the issue. However, the end result of all of it, isn't quite what was promised.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

In Loving Memory of Brinnon

Brinnon was humanly euthanized on Monday June 5 at Gulf World Marine Park in Panama City Beach, Florida. She was estimated to be in her mid-30s, a ripe old age for a Bottlenose Dolphin. But Brinnon was far more than just a dolphin: she was a fighter.

For many years, she worked with the US Navy Marine Mammal Program, before she retired and was given a forever home at Gulf World. In 2010 she was first diagnosed with Cancer. She fought and beat Cancer for seven years before it finally caught up with her. That's impressive for a human, but for a dolphin, that is frankly unheard of.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Complete SeaWorld Orca History

This is a list I have compiled after months of research. Will be kept up to date!

NameMotherFather DateBorn at...Lives at...Died at...Date (Age)
10/31/65WildSWSD8/29/71 (10)
Kandu2/15/67WildSWSD2/3/71 (5)
Kilroy2/15/67WildSWSD9/23/78 (12)
Orky II4/26/68WildSWSD9/26/88 (26)
Corky II12/24/69WildSWSD
Knootka `3/1/70WildSWSDUnknown
Winston8/8/70WildSWSD4/28/86 (19)
Kandu III8/71WildSWSD1975 (~5)
Kona 8/71WildSWSD9/28/77 (~4)
Canuck3/12/72WildSWO1974 (~4)
Sandy3/12/73WildSWO10/22/77 (10)
Frankie8/73WildSWSD1974 (~2)
Kanduke8/16/75WildSWO9/20/90 (19)
Gudrun10/25/76WildSWO2/25/96 (20)
Kenau10/25/76WildSWO8/6/91 (15)
Kona II10/12/77WildSWO10/15/87 (12)
Winnie10/12/77WildSWSA4/11/02 (25)
Kandu V10/12/77WildSWSD8/21/89 (14)
Kahana10/77WildSWSA5/14/91 (13)
Kotar10/26/78WildSWSA4/1/95 (17)
Kasatka10/78WildSWSD8/15/17 (42)
Shawn10/78WildSWSD9/3/79 (3)
Bjossa11/80WildSWSD10/8/01 (24)
Nootka IV10/82WildSWO1/8/08 (28)
Haida II10/82WildSWSA8/1/01 (20)
Tilikum11/9/83WildSWO1/6/17 (35)
Samoa10/83WildSWSA3/14/92 (11)
KalinaKatinaWinston9/26/85SWOSWO10/4/10 (25)
Kenau’s CalfKenauWinston1/6/86SWSDSWSD1/16/86 (>1)
Kandu’s Calf Kandu VWinston1/31/86StillbornSWSD1/31/86 (N/A)
Corky's CalfCorky IIOrky II8/87StillbornSWSD8/87 (N/A)
KaterinaKatinaKanduke11/3/88SWOSWSA5/5/99 (11)
OrkidKandu VOrky II9/23/88SWSDSWSD
KaylaKenauOrky II11/26/88SWSASWO
TaimaGudrun Kanduke7/11/89SWOSWO6/6/2010 (21)
Kahana’s CalfKahanaKotar11/6/90MiscarriedSWSA11/6/90 (N/A)
TakaraKasatka Kotar7/9/91SWSDSWSA
KyuquotHaida IITilikum12/24/91Sealand PacificSWSA
Samoa's CalfSamoaKotar3/14/92StillbornSWSA3/14/92 (N/A)
TakuKatinaTilikum9/9/93SWOSWSA10/17/07 (14)
NyarGudrun Tilikum12/21/93SWOSWO4/1/96 (2)
Nootka's CalfNootka IVTilikum8/18/94StillbornSWO8/18/94 (N/A)
Haida's CalfHaida IIKotar11/20/94SWSASWSA12/28/94 (>1)
KetoKalinaKotar6/17/95SWOLoro Parque
Gudrun's CalfGudrun Tilikum2/21/96StillbornSWO2/21/96 (N/A)
UnnaKatinaTilikum12/27/96SWOSWSA12/21/15 (18)
Kalina's CalfKalinaTilikum2/28/97StillbornSWO2/28/97 (N/A)
TekoaTaimaTilikum11/8/00SWOLoro Parque
NakaiKasatka Tilikum9/1/01SWSDSWSD
KohanaTakaraTilikum5/3/02SWSDLoro Parque
SkylaKalinaTilikum2/9/04SWOLoro Parque
KaliaKasatka Keet12/21/04SWSDSWSD
HaylnKaylaKeet10/9/05SWSASWSA6/15/08 (2)
Unna's CalfUnnaKeet04/06StillbornSWSA4/06 (N/A)
Kayla's CalfKaylaKeet05/07StillbornSWO1/7/10 (N/A)
Taima's CalfTaimaTilikum6/10/10StillbornSWO6/10/10 (N/A)
MakaniKasatka Kshamenk2/14/13SWSDSWSD
SWSA7/24/17 (<1)